Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Plot of Avatar Summarized In About a Minute Complete With Visual Aids

Friday, November 6, 2009

Chrome Experiments Compilation

Go to to try these yourself.

Music Info:
Title: Skidoo
Composer: Billy Conrad/Sam Keaton
Album: Freesports

Chrome Experiment - Browser Talk

Caged Rage 3: Binary Budokan

Now playing on man tackles his (sky-high) pile of tasks with uninhibited fury. And the help of a powerful and mysterious new web tool. A Chrome Short by Lifelong Friendship Society. http://www.lifelongfriendshipsociety....


Now playing on internet can be whatever you want. Its also a place where you can be whomever you want. This film explores those ideas through the simple device of two friends and a door. A Chrome Short by Hunter Gatherer.


Now playing on or Egg? A simple query takes our hero on a wild rollercoaster ride through the Internet, where chicken links to feather, feather to pillow, pillow to tooth fairy, and so on. Fasten your seatbelts. A Chrome Short by Superfad.

Collaborate with the Whole Wide World

Now playing on 9-5 in 60 seconds... one person's day of online surfing captured on a 102" x 66" paper screen. A Chrome Short by Anisa Suthayalai and Alex Lin.